Dr Joachim Fluhrer
Dr Joachim Fluhrer graduated both from Medical School at Sydney University and Naturopathic Physician School at Wetzlar, Germany.
Dr Fluhrer has been practicing medicine as a registered Medical Practitioner in Australia for over 30 years. He practices medicine based on a combination of nutritional and standard medical practices. The integration of various disciplines in medicine has and still is extremely important to Dr Fluhrer and is essential for the benefit of the individual patient.
Dr Fluhrer says Integrative Medical Practitioners need to practice in a safe and effective environment for the benefit of their patients and contribute to the overall health of the public and themselves. Of particular interest to Dr Fluhrer is the incorporation of science into the practice of medicine and the engagement of the patient in their health journey.
Over the past 30 years, Dr Fluhrer has been involved in the education of Practitioners, he has participated in Government committees, professional boards and advisory committees. He was also involved in the establishment of a fellowship program at the Australiasian College for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). He is a past Vice President of ACNEM and still currently lectures at ACNEM meetings.
He is a current Board member of the Australasian Integrative Medicine Association (AIMA).
Dr Fluhrer is the Medical Director of Genostics Australia.
Dr Fluhrer is a principal at the Centre for Evidence-based Complimentary Medicine (CEBCom).
Dr Fluhrer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the faculty at AIMN, having previously been involved with lecturing for the Australasian College for Medical Nutrition (ACMN) and now lecturing and advising for AIMN.