All healthcare professionals
Nutrition plays a powerful role in maintaining health and ameliorating the progress of disease. Yet, too often, the role of nutrition is overlooked or even dismissed by medical practitioners.
This workshop is designed to enhance Doctors and Dentists and their Practice Nurses as well as Nurse Practitioners and Allied Practitioners. Appreciation of nutrition’s role in health maintenance, in disease-prevention and in supporting the body’s metabolism to fight disease.
Learning objectives:
Graduates of this workshop will be able to:
1) Identify common foods that: benefit health status and disadvantage health
2) Recognize common health disorders amenable to dietary and nutrient modulation
3) Perform a nutritional assessment, utilising currently available assessment tools
4) Derive nutritional information from commonly performed blood pathology tests
5) Devise their own clinical protocol to undertake nutritional assessment in high-risk patients
Melbourne CBD Park Hyatt Hotel